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Naureen gives me hope in Bits & Pieces!
“Whenever I’m sad or down, Naureen’s book really helps me to cheer up and find light in my darkest moments. There’s always a quote that I can relate to that gives me hope“.
Bits & Pieces is a beautiful destination
“This is not just a book, It’s a journey I couldn’t stop until I have reached the destination.
A glowing recommendation to people who would indulge into an ocean of emotions and feelings“.
Captivating artistry in Bits & Pieces
“Bits & Pieces is a work of captivating artistry. The intoxicating verses touch your soul with its rawness and transparency. A book of so many emotions and revelations“.
Bits & Pieces is all the emotions wrapped together
“Painful and joyful, heartbreaking and hopeful. Naureen opens her heart and shares her life with the readers in Bits & Pieces“.
Naureen is hard felt and real in Bits & Pieces
“This is one of the most heartwarming books I ever read! I love that most of it is based on real life experience“.